Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast
Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast
How Change Starts At Home, with guests Jan and Bart

How Change Starts At Home, with guests Jan and Bart

“Well, when you want to make your life better, you have to do something you believe in. Right?” - Jan

What you’re about to dive into is a special edition of the Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast. 

We're taking an exciting leap forward and doing something we've never done before - interviewing our own partners to gain insight into their views on Diversity, Equity, and inclusion and its impact on our personal lives.

This special edition episode is a raw, unfiltered look into our lives, showcasing that the journey of driving inclusion can be both deeply personal and profoundly communal. It is an opportunity to observe how deeply DEI principles can seep into everyday family life and shift personal paradigms.

We're venturing into this dialogue with an open heart and mind. As an initiative this marks a pivotal moment for us. It opens up a dialogue that extends beyond the confines of our usual interactions. It's about peeling back layers to see the real impact of our efforts. Specifically, the impact on the lives of the people we live with. This episode feels not only necessary but also enriching. It allows us to understand if and how our collective work in DEI resonates with our partners’ personal and professional journeys.

By exploring our partners' perspectives, we shed light on their experiences and stories. Our work in DEI not only speaks to lofty ideals but creates meaningful change in the real world - including our daily lives. 

We hope that this conversation will encourage you to continue engaging in discussions about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Accessibility and Belonging. Discussions within your homes, among friends, and with family. Spreading awareness and understanding.

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DEI in our personal lives

It’s not every day that you get to hear your significant other’s candid thoughts about the work you dedicate your life to, and in this episode, we got to do just that. It is a sincere conversation that touches on many complexities about living and breathing DEI, not only in the workplace but also in our homes and personal lives, translating professional principles into daily practice. Bart and Jan provide a candid look into how DEI impacts their personal lives and shapes our family dynamics. 

This is work that we believe in strongly enough to bring our entire selves into it. Jan notices how Vivian’s transition from IT and finance to DEI work made her not only more fulfilled but happier. 

“Vivian’s doing something which she really believes in. And in that way, it affects her but also the family in a positive way.” -  Jan

Her self-directed work allows her to thrive without the constraints of traditional boss-driven mandates, and Jan is proud of her for it. His support goes beyond words; in their partnership he cooks and helps her unwind after a long day.

Bart, who had an upbringing in a culturally diverse neighborhood in Amsterdam, initially hesitated to actively address DEI issues. He admits that cultural narratives in the Netherlands initially made him see DEI as less urgent. While talking, he acknowledges how his perspective has evolved, influenced by Marjolijn's perspectives on DEI. This shift has propelled Bart to become a more active ally and advocate for DEI in the workplace. He’s aware of the critical role that open-mindedness plays in such discussions.

“As far as work goes, I'm one of the ones who's always pretty adamant on changing stuff like this now, which I wouldn't have been if I hadn’t met Marjolijn and she wouldn't have done this work. It changed my view on how the world works, And I think that's a good thing.” - Bart

Jan, on the other hand, has a contrasting story, from his roots in the more homogeneous countryside to moving to Amsterdam and parenting a biracial child with Vivian. He shares that this has significantly broadened his viewpoint. As he talks about this, he realizes the impact diverse perspectives have on his decision-making and family life. 

Jan's transformation in how he shows up in the workplace happened in his role as a project manager. He has grown to encompass an awareness of the necessity for diverse perspectives, spurred by his deepened alignment with DEI concepts. He has been learning to recognize the privileges and responsibilities he holds as a white male. His stance isn't just talk—he actively uses his position to drive inclusivity, to make a meaningful difference in his workplace.

“When I work with all these people, I'm aware that you have to make room for more diverse opinions from people. So that everyone has the chance to speak out about how to solve a problem.” - Jan 

A moment that stands out in our conversation is when Jan reflects on raising their biracial child in a diverse neighborhood. While this has been largely positive, he acknowledges that there will inevitably be challenging conversations, particularly as Orlando grows older. Both he and Vivian are committed to tackling these head-on, from discussing complex issues like the death of George Floyd to the everyday nuances of navigating diversity and racism.  

“Being a white male is a tool that I have. it's nice to have some kind of toolbox you can use to to change things. I have this tool, so maybe I should use it more.” - Jan

Our conversation didn’t shy away from the tougher topics either. Jan mentioned that discussing DEI with some of his friends can sometimes be a minefield. Especially as the pandemic lockdown sparked debates about vaccines and diversity, trust was challenged, and some friendships were tested.

Marjolijn: “Is it different to be friends when you have, you know, a partner who does what she does?”

Jan: “Yeah. Because of who she is in the world, but also what she does.” 

As we discuss this, we explore how we are aware that inclusion means not just staying within your comfort bubble but actively striving to understand and bridge gaps in perspectives. Navigating these waters is never straightforward. However, it's this kind of candid conversation that moves the needle on DEI discussions, making us all a little bit more aware of what we care about and the work that still needs to be done.

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“You need to work together. You cannot say ‘just do you and I’ll do me’, and we won't bother each other and everybody's happy. You cannot just wall off your part of society and live in your bubble and think that it doesn't impact the rest of the country, or the rest of the world.” - Bart

This is a responsibility that Bart feels increasingly. He provides a glimpse into the perceived generational gaps that exist in his workplace and cares about challenging them to increase awareness with his colleagues. He’s been learning that acknowledging diverse viewpoints is critical in shaping a cohesive and effective work environment.

He also shares how his daughter’s school experiences has brought diverse perspectives to their dinner table conversations. Teaching children to engage in these conversations has proved quite invaluable for their daughter and her classmates.

“I'm pretty proud of the way she deals with a lot of stuff. And it's kind of inspiring to see that my kid is a couple of steps ahead of where I was as a kid. I think it's kind of cool to see how that evolves and how solid she already is in taking her place in the world.” - Bart

Both Bart and Jan appreciate that their partners bring their full, authentic selves into their DEI work. Vivian’s dedication, especially her use of innovative tools like Virtual Reality to train empathy muscles, is something Jan is proud of. 

And some things come out in this episode that Vivian, Jan, Marjolijn, and Bart weren’t aware of before.

“What I've noticed ever since you've become a dad is that you are reading different books by people with different backgrounds. And I'm noticing you taking more of an interest in cultural diversity as well.” - Vivian Acquah

It’s clear that engaging deeply in DEI work isn’t just about theory or workplace policies—it’s about real, lived experiences that shape who we are and how we interact with the world around us, including at home. 

We owe a huge thank you to Bart and Jan for their honesty and insights, and we encourage you, our listeners, to reflect on this conversation. Share it with others, keep exploring these critical topics, and, most importantly, stay connected. Your engagement helps us all grow stronger together as we continue navigating the complexities of DEI in our personal and professional lives.


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Develop Your Inclusive Leadership Style

A Transformative Group Coaching Program

Are you a leader or change-maker involved in boosting diversity, equity, and inclusion within your company and want to elevate your inclusive leadership style?

Look no further. We present our group coaching program, "Develop Your Inclusive Leadership Style," designed to help you rise to new heights and maximize your impact on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Choose This Program To Gain:

Our program offers a transformative coaching journey beyond traditional training, focusing on holistic growth, understanding, and practical strategy development. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Increase your impact from personal leadership: Develop the ability to communicate with impact, create buy-in, inspire others, and champion inclusion effectively.

  2. Gain actionable insights into DEI: Grow a deeper understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, discover how these principles can enhance your organization's culture and performance, and take more informed actions.

  3. Strengthen your confidence and energy balance: Learn to navigate challenging circumstances, and create a structured and sustainable energy management set up.

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Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast
Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast
Listen in on the behind-the-scenes stories of DEI change-makers from around the world and be inspired to make a difference in your own work.
In the Global Inclusion in Practice Podcast, Vivian Acquah and Marjolijn Vlug have kitchen table conversations with DEI professionals, representatives, advocates, and allies. Their personal stories tell you that you are not alone in your endeavors to create a more inclusive world. Let’s share perspectives on what sustains us in creating lasting change in different parts of the world.